1. Will I receive a tax exemption certificate (Section 18A) for my donation?
Touch Africa is a registered section 21 organisation which is able to issue tax exempton certificates for all donations/monies/services received.
2. How long will it take for me to receive the tax exemption certificate?
Tax exemption certificates will be issued within 21 working days after the donation has been made.
3. How can I donate to Touch Africa?
Donations to Touch Africa can be made via the Donate page.
4. Can I donate to a specific project?
Yes, monies toward specific projects are possible. Please mention the project to which you wish to contribute in the relevant field on the Donate page.
5. If I am a donor, can I visit project sites?
Project site visits can be arranged by contacting Mike Glover via email or telephone. See the Contact Us page.
6. How do I contact Touch Africa regarding my donation?
All queries should be made to Mike Glover or Landi Syphus via email or telephone.
7. How do I make in-kind donations?
Contact Mike Glover or Landi Syphus via email or telephone.
8. If as a corporate, foundation or individual I wish to partner with Touch Africa and contribute more, whom should I contact?
Contact Mike Glover via email or telephone – see Contact Us page.
9. How can I enroll for recurring monthly donations?
Please contact Mike Glover or Landi Syphus via email or telephone – see Contact Us page.