Making School A Better Place.

Making School

A Better Place.

What We Do

Touch Africa’s core focus is on the young previously disadvantaged learner and the charities strategy is to migrate these young school children from home to school.

One can only achieve this if we “make school a better place” be it improving sanitation, upgrading school kitchens and building class-rooms, libraries and science laboratories.

Touch Africa’s expertise also lies in the ability to leverage support from South African based corporates by offering them not only a CSI solution but also integrating these efforts into their classical marketing strategy.

Our Focal Points in the Education Arena

Joel with a Grade R class from Akani Metmar Foubdation

Early Childhood Development

is a neglected component of the education sector. The aim here is to establish creches which are sustainable within needy communities.


Building and supplying Libraries is one thing however improving literacy levels through consistent monitoring and evaluation is another. 18 libraries in last 24 months is a big feat.

Touch Africa - Walmer Primary - School Inside homepage

Adopt A School

the identification of schools in need and finding suitable “twinning“ partners both locally and abroad.

Ride 4 Change

Motorbike enduro charity ride on the Wild Coast of South Africa and Lesotho.

Join Our Causes

Book Drives

Spelling Bee

Ride 4 Change


Latest Articles

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ABOB Donates it’s 39th Container Library to deserving schools in Pongolo

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MultiChoice Sponsors Our First Inter-School Spelling BEE

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Technology Handover: Lumo Hawk Foundation

touch africa library

Zisukhanyo Creche

touch africa library

Our 10th Container Library to Akani Metmore Foundation

touch africa library

Fighting for Greater Literacy

touch africa library

2013 Ride for Change

touch africa library

2023 Ride 4 Change